the whole operation is moving in less than ten days! my house is up in high chaos right now, and it will most certainly get more chaotic before the week is up. this move is a good move to help simplify things for our household and also it will allow us to save some money that just seems to hemorrhage via our utilities and rent. plus we have some big trip ideas for the spring and summer such as camping and traveling that we need to be able to save money for. shawn wants a vanagon...biodiesel. :)
right now never felt better is on a hiatus for the next month. nothing creative can come of anything right now other than ensuring my nest is feathered properly. :) but orders will still be shipped as usual, of course.
last night i was packing some in our room and i had these boxes that were from at least the last 4 moves if not longer. lots of stuff from memory lane and all my old diaries and love letters. stuff to give my daughters when they are WAY older ha ha. i purged a lot of the stuff i scratched my head over and the room is basically packed minus the clothes and the computer desk/tv. my craft stuff is entirely packed. today i am tackling the front room's books and video game mess. we need a new bookshelf badly, too. gah--have i mentioned how much i LOVE moving? ha ha.
well let me put it this way i have moving on the brain, can't get anything else done until this portion of my life passes. i will post some pictures of the moving chaos soon! :)