Friday, July 05, 2013


i am having some independence from feeling like shit, so if that is something to celebrate i'm all in!  i switched up some meds, am taking some herbs for what appears to be perimenopause and i can say with some certainty that it's all coming together.  my thyroid could be at better levels but with my lack of insurance i can't really push the issue with this dr.  i'm lucky in a sense she listens to me on that issue at all and i get regular blood work! (come on obamacare, i could use a real insurance plan that works for me...yesterday!)

in crafty news:  i updated my ETSY SHOP with some cute pocket mirrors and pins i've been meaning to list for ages and a neato vintage mid-mo crock set.  check it out.  my cousin jes down in merced is trading me a very cool custom vintage fabric prayer flag for some of logo buttons as she doing a craft show there at the end of the month and having giveaway-buttons on your table is always a good thing (pro-tip for vending.  that and having some candy.  people love a little wrapped candy.).  i will be sure to post pics of the buttons i make for her, maybe you need some too?  while you are on etsy check out her shop, LOVErainn for some flags for some inspirational words of peace & blessin's :)

so this past week we have been doing another extended overnight pet sit, and this family has ALL THE RESCUES.  hens from animal place, a guinea pig, some of the biggest rabbits i've ever seen, cats and dogs out the ying yang.  i had the 4th of july duty and i am happy to say they were just *a little* traumatized by the noise.  this is out in arden arcade so their version of the 4th of july and the version we get here in our hood is quite different!  i have to say it was quite pleasant for me anyway.  and i got to bond with the best weenie dog i have ever met.  remember if you are local to sac i do overnight pet sitting!

monkey paws.  *love*

things i am grateful for:  tuesdays off so i can again take care of my own business and have a standing library date with the girls while they enjoy being lazy for summer break, a trip to PDX later this month for our friends wedding. it's been too long since we've been back and i am beside myself with excitement (ROAD TRIP!), and the fact we just lived through 7 days of the worst heat wave to hit us yet so i know i can survive just about anything after that mess!  most thankful our air conditioning unit did it's job and i can't even worry about the 24-7 running of the air conditioner bill yet.  we didn't die!  yay!

i don't know if we will be able to swing the fair this year again or not.  i would at least like to go one time and ride some rides and have some wine slushy.  you know i have never ridden the monorail?  there is only two monorails in california and the other one is at disneyland.  i suppose i should bucket list that, since i'm here.  

ciao, and until next time.