Monday, April 21, 2008

monday monday so good to me

coming off a good weekend with the family that included long walks, skating, organization and crafting. the weather has been beautifully crazy with sun breaks and snow has been amazing to watch. shawn and i watched 'into the wild' and i was really touched by it. made me yearn to go camping, that is for sure. :) i finally cleaned my workspace, and can actually see the table! i am waiting for the sun to pop out so i can snap some photos of the earrings from yesterday but i did take a sneaky peep shot of them drying last night. when i was cleaning i came across some old old stained glass pieces i had made but didn't know what to do with so i strung them up and made the most lovely garland for my kitchen window. i can't wait for the sun to stream through them...

shawn made the yummiest vegan manicotti on saturday and i made another yummy soup for dinner last night with baked french bread. sometime in the next two days i need to get two tires replaced for the car--you don't want to know how bad of shape they are! totally unsafe, wires sticking out and metal showing. yikes.

i hope everyone has a happy monday!