it has been a busy week of organizing, cleaning and custom orders in and out! today i sent out a third re-order for sidecar up in seattle, plus i finally contacted herbivore here in town to make time to come by either friday or early next week to see what little gifty-last minute goodies i can depart upon them. i would love to check out the world's first vegan mini-mall finally! some pump nachos and a hot dog from foodfight! sounds good right about now, too :)
my next and final craft show for the year is on the 22nd, so i have time to make more earrings and sachets for those last minute stocking stuffers. i battled with my sewing machine yesterday--cleaning and de-gunking like crazy. it needs a tune up, more than i can do but for a gal with a screwdriver and some moxie i did awright! i got it to perform a bit better after all was said and done, and am looking forward to doing some sewing soon...i need to do some things i have up in my head that have been sitting there too long! i have some more crocheting/customs to work out too, plus i plan on making everyone a scarf so...*whew*! yeah, it has been and will be a busy week or two for me and my fingers at never felt better headquarters! :)