it is tuesday...making my way through the week with high hopes and goals both around the house and for the shop. the past weekend shows were successes in their own rights: friday at motokitty was so much fun to hang out and drink and sell, and sunday was i heart indie holidays which even with the typhoonish weather managed to be a busy day. i have the week off, the next show isn't until sunday the 9th. in the mean time i got a two item custom order last night i am going to start today: a scarf with an elephant lino print and a skull pouch. lots of crocheting in my immediate future! :)
above is a mini pouch in a clutch style i listed last night that i thought turned out pretty darned cute. i set up my sewing machine and dusted it out plus gave it a nice lube job. i hope to do some sewing this week to bulk up my pouches section. i sold two older styles that had been sitting around on sunday and it reminded me how much i like to sew and how i haven't been doing it much lately. i love to crochet, but i need to mix it up more.