but i can drink one. i have a secret: i have never bothered to drink one of these and i have only had a redbull like, once, years ago when they first came out. i hated the taste. but shawn brought home some 'juiced' rockstars and this one ain't so bad. it is guava, sort of. but i can drink it without barfing so this is a good thing. hey, whatever gets me doing laundry with a smile is another good thing.
simon the kitten has now grown to ginormous porportions as you can see. he has also become the softest cat known to man. and he is *my* best friend, unless he is tripping me on the way to his cat food dish. that i can do without, mainly. ;)
i listed a bookmark today, and will work on some later on after our drive. we are kinda lagging--i have a load of laundry drying and refuse to go anywhere with no underwear, sorry. but we have a river drive on the menu plus hitting up some downtown features while the weather is so nice out. it is supposed to get nasty this week, so we have to take advantage of the dry day and sun.