i ended up making the cupcakes for the family, and a cake version for the school :) yummy, but i am sugared out already! i bought far too much candy for the trick-or-treaters on purpose so well, you know, i can take care of any leftovers ha ha. the big kid is in charge of giving out candy this year, and there are some scary movies to be watched all night. i love halloween, always have. it does have bitter sweet memories attached to it that i like to remember too: my first marriage was on halloween, and the passing of my best friend. my first marriage ended in divorce, that was cool and i like to remember what good there was at first...but kelley dying was not cool. i can't find too much sense in her death, and tomorrow i am going to set up her little alter like i do every year to remember her. day of the dead. i miss her.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
happy halloween!
i ended up making the cupcakes for the family, and a cake version for the school :) yummy, but i am sugared out already! i bought far too much candy for the trick-or-treaters on purpose so well, you know, i can take care of any leftovers ha ha. the big kid is in charge of giving out candy this year, and there are some scary movies to be watched all night. i love halloween, always have. it does have bitter sweet memories attached to it that i like to remember too: my first marriage was on halloween, and the passing of my best friend. my first marriage ended in divorce, that was cool and i like to remember what good there was at first...but kelley dying was not cool. i can't find too much sense in her death, and tomorrow i am going to set up her little alter like i do every year to remember her. day of the dead. i miss her.