yesterday shawn and i spent most of the morning and afternoon at the children's hospital for a dental surgery for our littlest one. it went mostly as planned but things come up as they do so often with kids and we have a little ruthless-toothless on our hands here for a while! she looks like a big kid now, where most kids loose teeth at 5 or 6, here she is not even 3! we love her so much it was hard to see her hand all pricked because they couldn't find her vein or the bruise on her face where they clamped her mouth open. good things parents aren't allowed to actually be in the room with surgeries...i would probably be tripping out more! she will probably be signing up for daycare *sniffle* in the next few weeks for two days so i can have some time for myself and do appts and wholesaling and work around town. or at least that is the plan :)
today it hailed on us while we got ready to go on a family drive. we discovered a cool regional camp spot very near to us and it is nestled in the country going up to mt. hood. very very pretty up there. people have roadside stands of their fruit and wares almost at every house's driveway. we saw christmas tree farms and other nursery's with all kinds of stuff growing so gorgeous. it was nice to get out of town and clear up my head.
i had a mini-freakout earlier about the upcoming shows, and my ad coming out and just not being together in general but i got over it. singing in the car while driving usually does the trick :) i ought to remember that when things start going haywire as they usually do in their own way for me!