it's our 3rd year of marriage, and here is to a lifetime! i am making us anniversary cookies, and saving the celebrations until sunday. my birthday!!!
the weather is dreary and it may rain through the weekend (the ETSY craftshow eep!) but rain or shine we are going out and selling our butts off! but sunday we are going to the rose festival's carnival and having some down home fun on some scary, wonky rides that go upside down. yay! my kind of fun right there.
i finished up the few skulls i was working on and it is all down hill from here. if these don't sell i will put them up for sale on my website and etsy (grumbling about shipping the whole time--i really don't want to have to ship them but that is just me) and perhaps try around town at some shops who may be interested in having them either for sale or for show. fun stuff!
oh and i got notification about july's handmade bazaar (my favorite!!!). can't wait for that one for sure. more info to come when i get it. :)