today: i am curing a plaster skull, and cutting some fabric for coffee cup/pint cozies. i just might meet the old man for lunch since i know he forgot his. :) it's ok, it will get me out into the world this afternoon. i love how the weather is getting slightly cooler, just down to around 70 from 80. that is perfect for me-i am not quite ready for summer weather yet. i love spring! last night i made a huge vat of pasta salad and i think i will put the recipe in our cookzine (keeps getting put on the back burner, but it is still on the stove ha ha!), it was *that good*. and day before last i made the "cheezy crackers" from the new farm cookbook and they came out pretty damn yummy, too. i would definitely recommend it if you have a hankering for cheese nips but don't want to eat "cheese nips" heh heh!
also, my garden is growing like a weed! my cilantro is HUGE and i have made three batches of salsa already from it. everything is doing really well and i am a proud mama. please see above picture. it doesn't look like much, but having a garden is making me happier than i could have ever imagined.